Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Crazy Pregnant Lady Coming Through!

I made a resolution not to have my hCG levels checked again. I was trying to save my sanity. I figured that if I didn't have the numbers, I'd have nothing to obsess about. Of course, so early on with so little to reassure oneself, there isn't much to cling to in hopes that the pregnancy is going well. The nausea isn't really bothering me much, and aside from my aching lower back, there's really not much else to indicate there's a bun in the oven. So what would a crazy pregnant lady do to check if she's still pregnant? Pee on a stick, of course! I actually wasted most of my lunch break today to go to Walmart to buy a cheap HPT (why waste the big bucks, after all) so I could check at lunchtime that the line is darker than it was last week. Fortunately for my sanity, it was significantly darker - but that doesn't take away from the ridiculousness of it. Let's hope I can settle in to this pregnancy soon because those HPTs really add up! ;)

[19 DPO, Equate, several hours after test was taken (didn't think to take a photo when it was fresh, LOL!) - It really is darker in person, I just couldn't get it to come out right with the camera]

In other news, I slipped at work and told one of my coworkers. We were commiserating about our boss, who is quite often unreasonable and overly emotional. I won't let her suck me into her games this time around like she did last time. Of course, the only reason I could think of to justify this comment was my "delicate condition." My coworker swore she wouldn't say anything, but you know how office grapevines are. Last time I was able to wait longer before releasing this info at the workplace, so I really didn't want it going around just yet. But it's done now - there's no taking it back. So I guess I'll just have to go with it.


Kether said...

wooohooo baybeee! That test looks good!

Jess said...

I'm hoping everything works out perfectly. All the best!

~Tanya~ said...

Oh the good ol POAS trick! Love them dark lines!!!! ***sticky vibes***