Tuesday, October 05, 2004

I'm A Knitting Fiend!

I feel so foolish, but I figured it out! Well, the garter stitch at least... I've been saying for years that I want to learn to knit, but nobody in my family remembers how to anymore. I wanted to take a class, but the classes never mesh with my schedule. I've looked at "learn to knit" books before, but they confused me. I bit the bullet Saturday, though, and bought a kit that includes the needles, yarn, and beginners instructions. I tried Saturday, and I just couldn't get past the slip knot... Sunday, again I just wasn't understanding it. (I have to add I am not mechanically inclined; I don't do well with instructions for things I have to do with my hands... I really need someone to show me.) Sunday night I decided to see what I could find online and sure enough, I found a drawing of the step I wasn't understanding that made it crystal clear. Once I figured that out, it was so easy! I've decided to focus on one stitch at a time, so I'm making a scarf right now out of the yarn from the kit with just the garter stitch (the scarf pattern that came with the kit calls for alternating with stockinette, but I want to master one before I move on to the next). I have six inches so far... But it's further than I've made it before! Hopefully, I can figure enough of this out to knit a baby's blanket when I get pregnant again. I'll need something to do while DH is skiing, after all!

Edited to add a photo of my work thus far....


Kether said...

waaaaaaaay better than I've been able to do! Looks good!

Jackie said...

Nice job!!!


Lauren said...

I love it! Your making great progress. I'll have to send you my blanket pattern once you learn how to perl too :)

Amanda said...

great job!! looks awsome

Crista said...

Very cool! Congrats on that persistence paying off. :)