Tuesday, December 14, 2004


Since Kether asked, this is what I bought while on vacation. I couldn't get really good photos of the onesies, though, so I'm only posting one of them...with the flash on, they got washed out; without it on, they were really grainy. The other one was a yellow kimono style onesie with a cute bunny graphic on it.

Below is the set that set me back some bucks...But it's so adorable! I hope it will fit the baby next winter...I did my best on guessing the size then.

Below is the moose pull-behind toy I couldn't resist either! :)

They even had a boutique there that specialized in skiing and outdoor clothing for infants and children! How cute!! But now it's back to reality...

Brian did get the call from Ski Sundown (his winter part-time job) while we were away...they want him to work Friday nights, Saturdays from 8:30-5, and Tuesday nights. Guess that means I won't be seeing him Christmas Eve or Christmas this year. I'm pretty peeved about that. We usually do Christmas Eve night with my parents, and Christmas morning with his family, then the afternoon with my extended family. All he had to do was say he wasn't available on Christmas; I wouldn't begrudge him working Christmas Eve if I could have Christmas Day with him. Instead I'll have to do it all by myself... Can I just forget about Christmas this year? :(

1 comment:

Kether said...

how cute is that stuff!?!? I LOVE the winter outfit and the pulltoy is *perfect*. And the onesie..I'm in love with onesies--there couldn't be anything cuter in the world than onesies. Lately I've been getting funny ones that say things like "I might barf" or "don't wake me, I'll wake you."

PS Don't you love how those Yankee "Home Sweet Home" candles smell? Its all I have burning right now.