Monday, December 06, 2004

All Things Normal

My OB appointment today was normal. Come in, pee in a cup, get the blood pressure taken and weighed. No protein in the pee, weight was the same as last time (total gain of 3 lbs then), and my blood pressure was lower than it has been before in office - 126/72. She checked my blood pressure log and decided I don't need to monitor my blood pressure anymore - even the times it has peaked at home, it's still been below the point where we'd have to be concerned. She was surprised that I've been hearing the heartbeat for 2 weeks now and thought out loud that maybe I was just hearing my pulse doubling. But sure enough, when she pulled out the doppler, there was Peep's heart beating away just like I've heard it and in the same spot, too. Of course, she tells me afterwards that had she not heard it (which she wasn't expecting to-she didn't even hear her baby's heartbeat as early as I did!), she would have brought me in for an ultrasound. Why couldn't Peep have been shy this time? It would have been nice to get a peek in there at this stage! Then she asked me if I took fertility drugs to get pregnant. She wondered if maybe there was more than one baby in there (I don't know if she came to this conclusion because I told her I heard the heartbeat to the right at first and now it's in the middle, or if she thought she heard 2 in there, or what). To be honest, when I looked at the spot where the heart was beating on my 1st ultrasound, it actually looked like there were 2 bright spots there (hence why I say it looks like s/he was mooning me). But she said I'm measuring where I should be, so she didn't order the u/s to check for multiples either. Twins do run in my family, but since my symptoms haven't been especially bad, I doubt there are two in there. It was just weird how she brought that up today out of the blue like that.

She probably won't be there at my next appointment. She is due in about a month, but she's only taking 6 weeks of maternity leave so she said she'll be back for most of the rest of my pregnancy. Next time I get to see one of the younger doctors. I swear he can't be much older than Brian and I! Should be's also been a while since I've seen a male doctor for female issues, but since he probably won't have to look at any of those female issues while I'm there, it shouldn't be too bad. I knew when I got into this that I'd have to rotate, I just really like the doctor I've been seeing lately. :)

Otherwise, the nausea is still there... The doctor offered to give me meds for it, but I declined. It's not intolerable and to be honest, even though I have some cures that work most of the time, I usually don't use them. It's reassuring to feel this way even if it's not comfortable for me. At least I can feel miserable openly around my family now, even if I can't at work. They all know. My grandma was thrilled, especially with the card and ultrasound photos I gave her. She loves getting pictures of all of the grandkids, so I figured I'd give her some. :) I still plan on holding out until after Christmas to tell my boss, though.

1 comment:

Kether said...

I'm reading yours while you're reading mine.

Two peeps would be soooo weird. Glad it was a normal appoitnment and the b/p is good. Seeing man is weird, but I live with it. I prefer the two women, though.