Friday, December 17, 2004

I Really Am Crazy

I planned on being so good today. With all the extra time I had, I intended to do some cleaning around the house, return some items I ordered online that I didn't like, and pick up some more Christmas gifts. No more shopping for me or the baby. I had good intentions...

There's a new shopping plaza under construction a couple towns away. I had to go there to return items at Old Navy and decided to browse around what other shops were there. This is located in an affluent area, so most of the shops held no interest for me, but there was one called Gymboree that sounded interesting. So I checked it out. Tons of adorable stuff, and, as the sales lady was quick to tell me when I entered, everything in the store was 25% off the lowest price on the tag. In this myriad of clothing choices there was one thing lacking - no unisex clothing. I looked around, oohing and ahhing over all the cute stuff, promising to return once the baby comes. Except there was one problem. These adorable holiday dresses that were originally $52, marked down to $19.99. Another 25% off would mean only $15 for a $52 dress! How could I resist? My mom taught me to shop for bargains, and I can't pass up deals like that, regardless of the fact that I have no idea whether we're having a he or a she and this child won't be born until June.

The funny thing is, the dresses were right by the checkout and I was the only one in the store, so the sales lady asked me if I needed any help and for some reason, I felt the need to confess. I really didn't belong there; I was being totally ridiculous. I'm 6 months from my due date with no inclination of whether we're having a boy or girl and I won't know until June. She smiled in a knowing way, admitting that she has 4 children herself and understood. We chatted a bit and found we had some similarities; namely that I am one of 4 children who are all spaced 4 years apart from each other, she is, too, as well as her children. And there were 2 of each gender with she and her siblings, as well as her children (me too!). She kept reassuring me that they have a wonderful return policy there if I end up having a boy (like I would part with it!), but also said she did the same thing and just kept the opposite gender stuff and ended up using it with her other kids. :) This woman thinks like I do!! So yes, I snuck home this holiday dress, in spite of Brian chanting in my head "He'll look funny in a dress" (which is his standard response anytime we're browsing in a store and I end up fawning over the dresses). Oh well, yeah, he will, but maybe he's a she. ;)

(BTW, the color is a much richer got a bit washed out from the flash. But it was just too beautiful to pass up at that price!!)


Kether said...

Psst...Carrie...I have a drawer full of pink stuff. Cute, adorable, glittery and pink stuff!
I just feel for Liam the day all the laundry is dirty and he has to wear a pink onesie with a fairy on it.
That dress is unbelievably pretty. And you just might have a girl...I mean, we can't ALL have boys.
(everyone I know who has recently had a baby has a boy... there have to be girls coming!)

Rosanne said...

Quick, go out and buy a cute boy's outfit! Tell DH you HAD to to keep the balance in tackt. Otherwise you're sure to have a boy.

Lauren said...

I can totally understand. I had to totally restrain myself for buying gender specific clothes at first, but my mom gave in and bought all kinds of girl's clothes. Guess she was right!

Isn't it tough to do Christmas shopping with a baby on the way? I've gotten so distracted and started my shopping way late. I'm finally on track now. But after Christmas, it's all about baby!