Tuesday, November 23, 2004

To Tell Or Not To Tell?

That is the question. I made a few promises to myself. One was that after I got past the crucial weekend, I would be more relaxed. I actually ended up being a little more relaxed than expected before that weekend came. The other dilemma is when to share our news with the rest of our families.

Initially, I wanted to wait until Christmas. I thought it would be so sweet to share that during the holidays, like a Christmas present for the family. In addition, since I would be at 14 weeks at Christmas, I would be firmly into the 2nd trimester. But since our parents have known about this since the beginning, it goes without saying that the word has most definitely spread in spite of the warning that it was to be kept quiet. Then I said after Thanksgiving. 10 weeks seemed a safe point to me; almost at the end of the 1st trimester and past the point I lost Arabella. But you see, I’ve also been avoiding our families in the meantime so I can avoid the subject. I hate lying, and I’m terrible at it. The thing is, now we’re hearing from people asking how we’re doing and what’s new, and it almost seems like there’s no point in keeping quiet about this any longer. I got past 9w4d. The heart is beating away. How much longer do I have to wait? How much longer do I have to avoid the inquiries from our well-meaning family members to keep from accidentally saying something I shouldn’t? Can’t I just let the cat out of the bag?

But it’s not that simple... It’s one thing to say you’ll share the info at a set point in time. It’s another to bring yourself to do it. In spite of my positive feelings about this pregnancy, and how well it has gone, I’m still reluctant to divulge the information. I want to, I really do - but I can’t bring myself to do it! I guess in the end, that’s the true measure of how I feel about the situation. As optimistic as I am, I’m still being cautious.

Of course, my mother-in-law will be having her annual Open House party this Sunday, and I’m sure the topic will be brought up. If I’m directly confronted with it, there’s no way to hide it. But I can’t seem to get myself to volunteer the information. Not yet.


~Tanya~ said...

Carrie - That is a hard one to tell or not. That is a very personal decision. Hope that you are able to do what your heart tells you is right & you do not get bombarded with those hinting type questions to spill the beans. I can see how you may want to tell some that you are close to. I am not good at keeping my yap shut.

Kether said...

No advice here. I have a big-ass mouth, so I can't keep secrets like this. I told people from the beginning, and then cringed every time they wished me well or talked about the baby (of course I STILL get nervous talking about it sometimes and the cat is MOST DEFINITELY out of the bag now).
I was going to say wait until it feels natural, but that may never happen in our reality. Its a hard decision Carrie. Maybe getting it over with will help?