Tuesday, November 09, 2004

OMG! I'm Having a Chicken!

You know how you look at clouds sometimes trying to find pictures in their formations? Well, I have to say our first pictures of the baby aren't exactly discernable as a baby. It must have been his/her position at the time, because I know Arabella actually looked like a fetus at her ultrasound. So anyway, I've been staring at the pictures a lot lately (I keep copies in my desk at work to keep me motivated) and I noticed something. In picture number 2, our baby looks like a chicken! I would have drawn it out for you, but my mouse skills stink, so bear with me. The beak is on the top, facing left toward the yolk sac (no wonder there's a yolk sac! LOL!), and it even looks like there's a little bit of rooster fluff on the back of that chicken head!

If you don't see the chicken, there's another vision in the image... Look where the heart is (the heartbeat was coming from the bottom where there are 2 white circles side by side). Well, those circles look like a little butt mooning me! If I didn't see the heart beating there, I would have been sure that it was the butt!! :)


Lauren said...

Ok, you are making me laugh out loud at work! I highly doubt you're having a chicken, but I guess time will tell on that one. If it is a chicken, think of all the money you'll save - no clothes needed, no diapers, no day care! You can just build a little pen for it in the backyard. But don't count your chickens yet! bah ha ha ha!!! Ok, I know that was so lame!

Christine said...

LMAO!!!! THere's your nickname for you!! PEEP! It looks like a Peep!

And I totally see the butt!!

You are so funny!!