Sunday, November 07, 2004

Preggo Brain

Also known as a case of "the stupids." Funny how it strikes so early on. I can't concentrate on anything. I can remember even less. I find myself walking away from my truck not able to remember if I locked it, not able to recall if I put deodorant on, and even forgetting if I washed my hair while I'm in the shower. Getting anything done at work has become one of the more difficult tasks of the day since everyone is always asking me about things that happened months ago. Since I'm the one who remembers everything in our relationship, it's made things awfully difficult at home, too. I've taken to writing everything on the calendar, but that requires actually remembering to look at the calendar. LOL! I have my 3-month follow-up appointment with my endocrinologist this coming Friday. I was supposed to go for a fasting panel of bloodwork about a week before my appointment, so I planned on going yesterday. Yet I woke up Saturday morning, ate a bowl of cereal, and *then* looked at the calendar. Darn it! So now I'm fasting in hopes that I can get the bloodwork done tomorrow before work. There's nothing more cruel than asking a pregnant lady to fast, especially when she's experiencing morning sickness (which mine kindly rears it's head in the evening!) - my only "cure" has been removed. Of course, if I had remembered Saturday morning, I wouldn't be sitting here right now feeling like crud. Well, maybe I would be, but at least I could try eating something to take the edge off of it.

Let's hope I can remember my follow-up OB appointment tomorrow afternoon and my actual appointment Friday with the endo. :)


Kether said...

Hee! hee! I enjoyed this one. Made me feel less alone. Every night when I get up to go to the bathroom, I intend to lay down on my opposite side--combining peeing and rolling over---but I forget which side I was laying on. Its so frustrating. I've several times turned on the wrong burner on the stove. forgotten all kinds of things. I go back into the house several times in the morning before I leave to count the dogs and make sure I didn't leave any in the front yard, forgetting that I'd already gone in and counted (we only have two, but I count anyway).

~Tanya~ said...

Preggo Brain - You know, I do not remember what that is like, it has been 14 years, but I already have memory problems. My brain may turn to mush if I get pg. hehehe