Sunday, October 02, 2005

A Day At The Fair

Margaret went to her first fair today. It was actually my birthday present since Brian isn't a fan of fairs (doesn't like the smell of the animals). Since it was my birthday, though, he agreed to go. Margaret was more interested in the people than the animals, but she behaved really well. I didn't HAVE to take her out of the stroller at any point like I usually have to when we're at the mall. But I did take her out in the animal buildings so she'd have a better look at them. Maybe next year she'll appreciate it more. In any case, the weather was beautiful. It was the perfect day to go to the fair. Skies were blue and cloudless and the temps got up to almost 80 degrees. So unlike an October day, but we enjoyed it nonetheless. We even went for a walk at the nature preserve with our dog Becky in the afternoon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like a fund day for all! Glad you had such a great time and Maggie behaved so well.