Saturday, October 22, 2005

No Paper Undies For My Baby!

LOL! I laugh every time I see blinkies proclaiming: "I don't wear paper undies so why should my baby." It makes sense, it's just a funny thought. It's right up there with the "I don't eat in the bathroom so why should my baby" blinkies. Great statement using humor to get the point across. At least, they're humorous to me.

Anyway, back during the first time I was pregnant, I had done a lot of research on cloth diapering and really wanted to do it. However, I was met with extensive opposition (including my own sister who proclaimed she would not watch baby-to-be until s/he was out of diapers if I chose to use cloth). The second time I got pregnant, I was more concerned with actually having a baby in the end than how I would diaper, so it went to the wayside.

But it's been on my mind again lately. There exist many reasons to cloth diaper, and I won't get into them here. There are plenty of sites advocating it that you can turn to if you're looking to be converted. For me, there were a couple of reasons. #1 chemicals. There are so many chemical in disposables and it bothers me. Think of that absorbant gel...what is it anyway? How good can it be to have that against the skin? #2 cost. So much money literally thrown away every day. #3 Margaret only pees at night anyway. How hard can it possibly be to wash some pee diapers?

Well, Margaret's daycare doesn't do cloth, so she'd have to be in sposies there anyway. But I figured I'd give it a shot at night and maybe incorporate it into the weekends if I like it. Last night was our first night trying. We used a borrowed Fuzzi Bunz pocket dipe with 2 borrowed microfiber inserts in the pocket. I do have to say that the smell you get in the morning after your baby sits in a cloth diaper for 10 hrs is less than appealing. I never did like the pee smell in sposies, but with cloth, it was like straight ammonia. Yuck! But she did stay dry all night. I also bought my own Bumkins AIO (all in one) and I just had to try it yesterday evening. They're the closest you can get to the convenience of a disposable in the cloth diapering world. Very easy to use. I was definitely pleased with that. I think if I could afford to go with all AIOs, I may just give it a chance on the weekends, too.

Now if only I could get over my huge aversion to poo, then I would have an easier time cloth diapering more than just at night....


Allison said...
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Allison said...

you seriously summed up my thoughts on cloth diapering to a "T"....I really hope I can give it a go with the next one. I don't have anyone offering to babysit my little guy now so what good were their threats anyhow? haha. BTW, the poop really isn't too bad from my experience, go for it!

Unknown said...

Thanks for this post! I've said forever that I want to cloth diaper when we have a baby. Hubby isn't too sure about it, but I think it would be better. I couldn't wear disposables as a baby... always gave me infections... why risk it with my kid?? And, from experience, you do get used to the poop.

Amanda said...

wow Carrie- sounds like your really looking into diferent things! good job, I was also interested in teh cloth diaper thing but didn't know anyone who tried it... thanks! :~)

oh yes, with the poo, you get used to it, I still hate doing it, but it's not that bad.. lol