Friday, October 21, 2005

More Sleep

Let's see... Tuesday night there was a bit of a fight, but not as bad. During that night, however, I was awakened at 2AM not by Margaret's cries, but the by the cries of the upstairs tenant's 1.5 year old daughter. I kept bringing the monitor to my ear to be sure, but it didn't sound like Margaret anyway. She even woke Brian up, and he never wakes up to Margaret's cries! Margaret didn't want to be left out, I guess, because she woke up at 4AM and 5:15AM on Wednesday. I ended up having to wake her finally at 7AM to get ready for the day (she normally wakes at 6:30AM on her own). I was exhausted that day. Wednesday night, no fight for bed. She was down by 8:30PM. Woke up at 3AM, but went back to sleep very quickly. I think she wanted her pacifier, but I don't want to get in the habit of waking up to replace a binky. She slept until 6:30AM after that. But last night... that was golden! In bed between 8 and 8:30PM and slept straight through until 6:40AM! I don't know if her long nap at daycare had anything to do with it, but I'll take it!

Now if only Brian and I weren't both sick, we would have gotten some sleep last night...

I wanted to bring Margaret to a pumpkin patch this weekend but it's supposed to rain. More rain. As if the 9 days we had in the recent past isn't enough, we'll now lose the 3rd weekend in a row to rain.

1 comment:

Crista said...

Doesn't it drive you crazy when SHE sleeps but YOU don't?! That's been my story lately, too. Of course, it's still ultimately good that the babies are sleeping, but STILL!

We wanted to do the pumkin thing this weekend, too, but it doesn't look too likely it'll be happening this year, at least not before Halloween, which sort of defeats the purpose. Darn rain!

Hope you get some sleep tonight!