Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Not fully grown or developed. See Synonyms at young.
Marked by or suggesting a lack of normal maturity: silly, immature behavior
(as defined by

One expects that once s/he reaches adulthood, exposure to immature behavior would be minimized. Those catty cliques from adolescence would dissipate and the participants would grow up. I guess these expectations only live on in our imaginations, however, because it appears that as one grows older, the immaturity of others intensifies. The catty behavior grows into downright cruelty. And the victims suffer greatly.

I have recently witnessed some of these attacks by immature adults. I am appalled at the lengths one would go through to subject another to such cruelty. And disappointed. When in the evolution of humankind did we derail this way? When was it determined that some would, rather than mature as they age, instead regress to childhood, and hence perpetually remain in that infantile mental state?

Regardless of how it has occurred, it pains me so to see one subjected to this unnecessary behavior. A great friend of mine has suffered much in her life, and in no way deserves what she has received from these vicious character attacks. I stand by her and ask that those who are her true friends do the same.

After all, how would you feel if you were the victim and your friends turned away from you in your time of need?