Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Following My Heart

A TREMENDOUS Thank You to all who posted on my previous topic! It makes me feel so much better about my concern about the dropped feeding. I know we're told over and over again that mommy instincts are incredibly accurate and we should go with them, but sometimes it's difficult to feel that you've made the right decision when one with a medical degree is telling you to do the opposite of what your heart says is right. I do have the utmost respect for Margaret's doctors' opinions, but when it doesn't feel right, it doesn't feel right, and this just didn't from the start. Margaret got back her "last" feeding tonight. To hell with his opinion in this case! I will cut back when she is ready for it, not when he tells me to. After all - she's only a baby! It's not like she has any understanding of eating just for the sake of eating. That's an adult (or at least, older child) concept that's beyond her still. She looks to eat because she is *hungry* and because she needs it. Plain and simple.

I also want to thank Jackie for posting all those guidelines. Margaret actually does meet those guidelines, but I still don't think she's ready for solids. Either that, or she just doesn't like anything she's been offered yet. :) We'll keep trying, but I'm not going to force it on her. There's no need to, especially at this age.

Hopefully I'll be able to rest easier tonight, with a clear conscience and a baby that actually sleeps.


Kari said...

Remember that you are the one that's with her everyday. Even though the Dr. has a degree. You know her better than enyone else and you know what she needs.

Amanda said...

Carrie- I agree with the mother's instinct. and your right, she is a baby, and she eats when she is hungry, your an awsome mommy, and when you do feel she is ready for solids then you'll see that she will wean herself from certain feeedings... keep your chin up, your doing awsome!

~Tanya~ said...

So how did it go? Did she wake or get that extra bottle?