Friday, March 23, 2007

Sick, sick, sick

It all started on Sunday when we gave my youngest brother a ride home from a family birthday party. He infected everyone in the car and now my sister, husband, daughter, and other brother are all ill. Somehow, I've escaped so far... but it's only a matter of time since I've gotten so little sleep with Maggie's frequent wakings calling out for me at night. I just need to get past tonight. I have a party tonight and I can't be sick for that. Then, I don't really care what happens... Though I would prefer to avoid this plague that has come down upon my family. They're all miserable.


Crista said...

Poor baby...but she's still cute, cute, cute, that's for sure.

Hope you manage to escape this one!

Unknown said...

Awww poor sweetie, she looks miserable there. She's so grown up, though!