Saturday, March 10, 2007

Anyone Ever See Aliens?

I feel like I'm growing an alien inside of me. I'll be sitting blissfully typing away at the computer when all of the sudden, my belly starts to get stretched out like something is trying to rip its way out of my stomach. For those who have never been pregnant, I can only imagine the images this brings to your minds. It's an indescribable feeling, really, that is both exciting and annoying at the same time. And I repeat... if at 29 weeks this kid is already at the top of my belly and jabbing me occasionally in the ribs, where will s/he go during the next 11 weeks?

Miss Maggie has abandoned all interest in the potty. For a short while, she would come running to me asking to sit on the potty... then proceed to have me read the same book (or 2) over and over again for 20 or 30 minutes until I got tired of waiting (our bathroom is VERY cold) and bribed her away with allowing her to wash her hands or brush her teeth (both things that fascinate her and bring hours of enjoyment). Well, the last few days she has been waking up dry and going longer between diaper changes but now has no interest in sitting on the potty. At least we're using less diapers...

Her language skills have, however, exploded. Besides using ASL signs more regularly, there are more words in the constant flow of chatter that are understandable. This girl loves to talk! At least now we're starting to understand what she has to say.

I'm settling in better to being a SAHM. I still get depressed from time to time. The weather doesn't help with that as I believe I have SAD. It's also sometimes frustrating that when I finally sit down to eat a bowl of cereal at 10:30AM and have already poured the milk, Maggie invariably either wants her own snack or howls for my brunch. At least when I was working I could eat and sleep without a tagalong or thief. I do have several people concerned now about my lack of weight gain over the last 2 months of this pregnancy. Unless you've been around a demanding 20 month-old all day long, though, you have no idea how it really sometimes is impossible to get any food into your system. And with the depression, I just wasn't all that hungry.

Naps are, hopefully, coming back into play at least. This means 1 meal a day while we're home alone, though not until 2PM or so. Maggie took about a 4 week hiatus from napping before I decided enough was enough this week. We've had naps for 3 or 4 days now. Later in the day than she used to nap, but as long as she naps, I don't care. Especially since she was starting to wake up earlier and earlier every day.

The last 2 days, Maggie woke up at around 8:30AM (instead of the usual 7/7:30AM, and of-late 6-6:30AM). I don't know why but I wish I could recreate it. It's been wonderful being able to sleep in since I rarely fall asleep before midnight.

1 comment:

Crista said...

It's SO like having a little alien growing (and kicking!) in there sometimes. I remember! :)

Sorry things have been a little tough lately, and sorry to not have gotten over here to show some support. As usual, I've been reading from bloglines without much time to comment.

As for the nap thing, did I already suggest the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child? I definitely recommend it if you're interested, even if I don't necessarily agree with *everything* he has to say -- it may help with the sleeping in, too. Good naps and earlier bed times definitely help around here -- and I totally see a difference when those slip, as they tend to do from time to time.

Okay, hope you won't mind the assvice, but just figured I'd mention it. :)

Also, I know we live further from each other than I originally thought, but if you're feeling up to it sometime, we really should try to figure out someplace half-way to meet up, especially now that the weather will (hopefully) be getting warmer. I'm often available on Tuesdays and Fridays, and it would be great for the girls too. So, let me know!