Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Midwife Misadventures

I knew I was right to worry about bringing Maggie along with me to appointments. But I've been forcing myself to bring her everywhere lately as a) I would otherwise be stuck home all the time, and b) she has to learn eventually what appropriate public behavior is.

Well, the first time you meet your new midwife is not the best time to bring along a restless toddler who doesn't listen to you. It was hard enough that the midwife I was meeting has a reputation for a not-so-great bedside manner at appointments (though in her defense, she's supposed to be phenomenal at the birth itself - which is, of course, more important than the appointments). But then to feel like you're being judged at one of your most vulnerable times because your child doesn't listen when you tell her not to climb on the rolling stool (and to have the midwife disregard what I said by telling her it's okay), only to have said child fall off stool and narrowly miss cracking her head open on the floor because mommy at least had enough reflexes to intervene in time... Ugh. I think that cut the visit short just when we were discussing my depression issues. I'm supposed to eat more vegetables and look for a support group. Sage advice, eh? The best part was when we were leaving and Maggie insisted upon wandering into every room, then tried to run up and down the hallway while we waited for our turn to check out.

At least the parking garage attendant was very understanding when I couldn't even scrape together $2 for parking. I don't normally carry cash, and since I've never had to pay for parking before for a doctor's appointment, I wasn't expecting to need any. That guy really made my day.

I have to go back next Thursday and I'm now frantic to find someone to watch her. I do not want a repeat of this. But you know what? I don't even know which midwife I'm seeing. I know I'm supposed to meet the others, but there was such chaos at checkout that I don't recall even being told which midwife my appointment is with.

I certainly hope the Birth Place is worth this. If nothing else, I did learn today that if I decide after having Sprout that I want a hiatus from home, I can transfer over to maternity and stay the standard 2 days - even with having my natural childbirth. After a day like today, 2 days alone in the hospital with the baby is looking really good to me. :)

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