Monday, September 19, 2005

That Warm & Fuzzy Feeling

I think the people at Margaret's "school" are experts in saying just what you need to hear. Every time I go to drop her off or pick her up, they say something that warms my heart and makes it swell with pride. This morning, the head teacher (Miss E) told me that she thinks Margaret will be a smart baby. She said that normally when she talks to the babies, they look about not paying any attention to her. But when she talks to Margaret, she stares intently at her, responding like she understands what's being said, even trying to take part in the conversation. I've noticed this, too, and found it pretty eerie, but didn't think much about it since I figured it was normal. Maybe it is and Miss E is just saying this to make me feel better about leaving Margaret there every day. Regardless, it did the trick. It's nice to brag about your baby, but it's even better to hear someone else do it. :D

ETA: Oh yeah! I almost forgot! Margaret had her 3 month check-up on Friday (her pediatrician likes to see them a little more frequently than the guidelines suggest). Drumroll please... Our little chub-a-lub is now 17 pounds 8 ounces and 25.25 inches tall! She is only 12 ounces away from doubling her birth weight (probably less by today) and has grown nearly 5 inches since birth! I think her head was 16.5 inches, too... Forget 90th or 95th percentile...she is off the charts! Even the pediatrician (Dr. C) said "You're not a 3 month old!" when he came in to see her. Dr. C said she has excellent coordination for a baby her age and great muscle tone. :D The people at the daycare had been pestering me a little bit about Margaret's issues with gas, asking me what the doctor said. I told Dr. C and he told me to tell them "Too bad! Deal with it!" LOL! We ran into her other pediatrician on the way out (Dr. C's wife, Dr. M) and she was also impressed with Margaret's size, even though she only saw her a week and a half before for her sick visit. I hope she slows down on her growth soon, though... We have so many beautiful fall clothes that she'll grow out of soon and the weather simply isn't cooperating in letting me put them on her!


Kether said...

I think our bubs are the same size!
I'm glad things are getting better with leaving her at daycare. I'm sorry I haven't been the best commenter these days, but don't think I don't read and think of you often!

Amanda said...

Carrie- Maggie is such a cutie pie!