Monday, September 12, 2005

My Busy Week

I've been trying to get more organized lately. No easy task when you have an infant. But the house has fallen into disarray for long's time to crawl out from the muck and grime and get it back in order. However, when I actually made out my schedule for the week, I was at a loss as to when I would fit in the menial tasks. Sure, there aren't many. But I prefer to keep weekends as time with Maggie. Well, I actually prefer to keep any time that she's awake as her time. And since her naps are entirely unpredictable (for example, Friday she napped almost all day...and Saturday, she napped for a grand total of 1 hour), it's hard to schedule out when I can do things. But maybe just having a schedule in front of me of what MUST be done, with a note as to what SHOULD be done (which again, isn't as much as it seemed like before putting it down on paper) will be enough to get me back in line. My Week ... I only hope that none of you are grossed out by my infrequent cleaning. I'm no Fly Lady, after all! :)

The good news is that Maggie slept through the night again last night. She made it to 6AM today. Of course, she was noisy during much of the night so I didn't sleep well. I kept expecting her to wake up at any moment. I guess I'll never get restful sleep again...


Kether said...

Looks like a good schedule. I need to find my groove. Our house sorely needs it. Seriously.

Amanda said...

your schedule looks good. I am sorry that your feeling overwhelemed with everything, but just take it easy chores can wait. Do waht you cna when you have free time ((hugs))