Sunday, September 11, 2005

Baby Stuff

Wow, over a week has gone by since my last post!

I'm still sick...Margaret is fine. We actually kept her home from daycare on Tuesday and brought her to the doctor because she was fussier than usual and had a temp of 99.6 degrees. I wondered if she had an ear infection, but her doctor said her ears looked fine. Our big piggy is now 16 pounds 15 ounces!! And that was almost a week ago, so I bet she's over 17 pounds now! She has her 3 month appointment on Friday so I'll find out then, as well as how long she is now. I had been holding aside some 6-9 and 6-12 months clothes for her, but when I put one of them on her the other day, I found they're already fitting her perfectly (and some are too small!). Wow!

On Friday they had school pictures at Margaret's daycare. I couldn't resist and had hers done. I can't wait to see how they turned out! :) I just thought it would be so cute to be able to say that her first school pictures were done when she was only 12 weeks old...

Does anyone know why a baby would consistently sleep through the night for 6 weeks and then suddenly stop? For 3 nights in a row now, Margaret has woken up at 3 or 4AM, when she usually sleeps until around 6AM. I checked her gums just in case she was teething early (especially since she's been really cranky these last couple of days, too) but it doesn't look or feel like anything is trying to come through. Although she did chomp down on my finger and chew on it, something she's never done before. Usually she just sucks on your finger if you put it in her mouth.


Amanda said...

I hope you feel better

Unknown said...

Early teething can definitely throw sleep schedules off. As can a growth spurt-- which is common around Maggie's age. Or it could just be nothing but a normal shift in her sleep patterns as she gets older. I know it makes life rougher, but you'll get through it!