Thursday, September 15, 2005

Stupid Insurance

I am responding to your inquiry concerning coverage for an intrauterine device. I confirmed our benefits and I regret to
inform you that intrauterine devices are not covered under your

Let's for a moment just ignore the glaring misspelling... What sense does it make for an insurance company to cover 6 pills a month of Viagra (or similar product for female sexual dysfunction) AND elective abortions, but not contraceptive devices? Obviously it's not for moral reasons since they would pay for me to have an elective abortion, if I so chose (which I would not). Wouldn't it be cheaper to help in family planning than to make it somewhat cost-prohibitive, thereby potentially increasing what they have to pay out by having the subscriber end up with more dependents who require health care, as well as $11,000 hospital deliveries? Or maybe there's no logic at the health insurance company...

I guess Mirena is out for me.

Stupid insurance...


Crista said...

That sucks -- hope they'll cover something for you. I still haven't decided/figured out what I'm going to do abou BC yet either. Good luck with the schedule -- I could use one myself!

Jen said...

Our insurance too!
It makes NO sense, does it?