Maggie is doing very well at daycare. She's happy to be there and I hear their biggest problem is that she smiles too much when they feed her. She has quickly become a favorite of much of the staff (at least, that's what I've been told). Her head teacher told me they were arguing over whose favorite Margaret would be, but she said they can't have her because Margaret is HER favorite. :) I'm feeling a lot better about daycare this week. She seems to be enjoying it and she's getting the attention I've been hoping for (I haven't seen her in the swing in a week now!), so I figure, "if it ain't broken, don't fix it!" I'll leave the arrangements the way they are for now.... But will keep in mind alternatives should they become necessary down the road.
We have our first daycare cold. Both of us. I figured she probably was coming down with something when I started to cough a little and get a sore throat. Yesterday, Maggie was coughing and a little congested when she woke up. But seeing as she did not have a fever, and coughing and congestion are not on the "forbidden" list of symptoms, she went to daycare anyway. It was a 9 hour work day for me and I couldn't afford to be giving up sick time so soon. I expected a call from them at some point, but never did hear from them. And when I got home last night, she was sounding a lot better. Lucky duck! I feel like I've been hit by a bus! I warned my boss yesterday that there was a pretty good chance I wouldn't be in today... Not sure yet if I'm staying home, though. She's still asleep so I don't know how she's doing yet. If she's still sick, I will stay home and take her to the doctor. Just to be safe...
A bit of a rant here... I'm so PO'd about the gas prices right now! I feel for all of the hurricane victims, but yowsers! Jumping over $.60 per gallon in 24 hours is ridiculous!! With the whopping 14 mpg I get with my Blazer (which I was not aware the fuel mileage was so poor when I purchased it, otherwise I never would have!), I'm getting hit hard...and there's no breathing room in our budget for this! They're saying it will hit $4/gallon shortly (yesterday, I saw $3.24/gallon). I remember when I worked at the gas station... it was one of my first jobs. Gas was $1.25/gallon when I started, and people were outraged when it went up to $1.35/gallon. This was only 10 years ago. It seems that inflation is out of control. The cost of things is rising at a much faster pace than incomes, and it's getting harder and harder to keep up. Think of how many years it took to get to $1.25/gallon...yet, we'll have tripled that soon in only 10 years' time. Ridiculous!! If I'm struggling, how is it that people on minimum wage are surviving? It doesn't seem possible!