Thursday, August 26, 2004

Meet and Greet

This seems strange... I visit this website to view another Fertility Friend member's blog, and the next thing I know, I'm setting one up for myself. I've journaled in the past, but they've always been private thoughts for myself only. I never dreamed of sharing any of those thoughts with anyone else. So what am I doing here? I guess I will have to continue on to figure that out...

[a little background info...]

So you're probably wondering who I am, this person who thinks she's important enough to publish the sordid details of her life. Well, I'm pretty normal, actually. I'm just your average American woman. I'm 26 years old (will be 27 in October) and married to a wonderful man who has been my partner for nine years now. I have a dog that I treat like my own flesh and blood. I work at a job I don't particularly enjoy, but it pays the bills. I'm a bit lost right now on my journey; I'm not sure which path to take, but I know the one I am on is not the one for me. I have many interests which change frequently. Some might call me flighty, I just think it makes me interesting. My poor husband tolerates it well, but occasionally rolls his eyes when I dive into yet another hobby.

I'm also a mother, although most wouldn't know it. On July 19, 2004, we discovered that the baby I was so blissfully pregnant with was no longer alive. I had to have a D&C later that day. It's been a rough 5 weeks since then. The loss has forced me to re-examine much in my life. Things that I used to believe were important no longer are, and vice-versa. I'm also leaning toward a much simpler life (which is a bit of an oxymoron since here I sit typing away on a computer sharing my thoughts with whomever across the much for the simple life!). We will try again, but I am not quite as optimistic as I was the first time around, unfortunately. I know first hand that just because you get pregnant doesn't mean you'll have a baby to hold in the end. It's an awful lesson to learn.

The latest is the recent confirmation of my primary care physician's diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). After the miscarriage, I did a lot of reading and discovered that (unmedicated/uncontrolled) women with PCOS have a higher risk of miscarriage. I have since seen an endocrinologist to get this under control and just started taking Metformin Sustained-Action. Hopefully, this will get everything back in balance and prevent a future heartache from occurring.

So that's my background.... Intrigued???

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