Friday, August 27, 2004

Adirondack Vacation...Way too short!

I meant to add this post yesterday, but there just wasn't enough time. We recently went on a vacation to the Adirondacks in New York. My husband's uncle lives in Indian Lake, a beautiful town of about 1800 residents -- I'm entirely jealous of him. He has a flexible job as a real estate salesman and can kayak right from his property. After spending the time with him in the beautiful quiet of upstate New York, I once again am realizing how dissatisfied I am with my own life right now. My job makes me miserable...I don't like where we live at all...I feel like there is just so much more out there that I'm missing out on. Brian (my husband) was so kind to point out that his uncle is nearly 62 and is therefore in a much different stage in his life than we are. But why should we have to wait to find happiness? Shouldn't we enjoy what we're doing throughout our lives? My father is one who measures success by how much money you make, but I've always felt that unless you enjoy what you're doing, it doesn't matter how much they pay you. Ever since our trip, I've been spending time online trying to find property and jobs in the Adirondacks... Land is abundant and cheap, but jobs are very scarce. Would the added financial stresses take away from the freedom to enjoy life? And what about our future children? How would they feel about growing up in a community where it's common for the graduating class to consist of less than a dozen students? Would they be satisfied with so few play companions, or would my dreams force them to endure a lower quality of life since their needs would be so different than my own?

I really don't know what to do at this point... I do know that every time we go on vacation (we go up North a few times a year), I always come back considering moving up there, so obviously, change is in order. I just haven't figured out how to execute it yet... In the meantime, I muddle through my unhappy job buoyed by thoughts of returning to that beautiful wilderness sometime soon...

This is Brian kayaking on Indian Lake....

This is the view we had from the house in the woods... sunrise on Tuesday...

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