Saturday, July 08, 2006

When Time Does Not Fly...

It looks like our plans may take longer than expected. My father still has not told my mother of his intention to have us move in. He also planned on finishing the basement during his 4 weeks of vacation (which start in 1 week), but now he's planning on going away for 2 of those weeks. My heart sunk. I know we've only had these plans for a few days, but I've already begun the countdown to when I can give my notice at work (5 weeks and 6 days, as of this moment). I don't want to go there anymore. I want to be home with Margaret. I don't know how much longer I can last beyond our plans...

We did start decluttering though. There will be a neighborhood tag sale in my parents' neighborhood next Saturday and mom said I could bring some things up. So Brian worked on cleaning the garage (looks like that will require quite a few more days) and while Maggie napped, I started going through our stuff in the basement. I look around and feel overwhelmed by everything that we need to sort through, pack, possibly store, and the rest move to my parents' house. Plus we'll (read: I'll) need to paint the rooms before we move in, clean up this place where we've been for 5 years after we move... I plan on having 2 weeks overlap when I won't be working but will be in the process of moving (and I'll keep Maggie in daycare for those 2 weeks) to make it a little easier. You never realize how much *STUFF* you have until you have to move it.

Hopefully, I'll still be moving it...

What you don't know is that we were supposed to move in with my parents 3 years ago. When we weren't too happy about being landlords anymore, my father convinced me to sell the house and move in with them to save money. We put the house on the market, sold it... and then my sister's boyfriend moved in. Even though my dad threatened to kick him out, in the end, he stayed. As my mother put it, "he's family". So much for blood relations. ::rolling eyes:: In any case, that left us homeless (in a sense) and it ruined our plans of paying off the debt at that time. That's how we ended up staying in the same apartment and renting it back from the new owner of our house.

Brian keeps telling me not to get my hopes up this time. My father has a history of being wishy-washy. But he seemed so excited that I figured that wouldn't even factor into it this time. It looks like I better prepare myself. Because I have a feeling that being stuck here, and being stuck at my crappy job, may wreak havok on my mental health if I set myself up to move/quit my job and neither happen.

1 comment:

Renee said...

Hope everything goes as planned. I'll be thinking about you.