Saturday, July 22, 2006

Stupid Scales

As of yesterday morning, with only 1 week to go to my 1st big weight loss goal, I found myself only 1.4 lbs away from my goal. Then we bought a new scale. Now I'm 2.6 lbs away. Stupid scale. And who knows how long it's been wrong... but now I've only lost 26 lbs instead of the 27 lbs I thought I lost. And a much bigger loss needed for the next week to get to my goal.

Then...another 15 lbs to lose so we can start TTC. I don't want to wait, but I really should anyway. Need some time to get the BCP hormones out of my system. And I want to get some more distance between me and the 200 lb mark. I NEVER want to go over 200 lbs again, not even due to pregnancy.

Thanks for all your help with thoughts on which company I should consult for. I've decided to go with Tastefully Simple. It helps that my friend would be my sponsor instead of a complete stranger. We're planning on having my Launch Off party in 3 weeks when I'll officially start being a consultant. That will give me some time to get a little more comfortable being a consultant before I quit my job. I'm SCARED TO DEATH of doing this. I get so nervous in front of a crowd. But it's worth it. I get to be my own boss, make my own hours, and stay home during the day with Margaret. So I'll find a way to make it work. I was terrified of going to work the 1st day of the job I have now. I almost didn't even go in that first day. But I did, and I got used to it. (Some would say "and look where it got you?"... but it has been 8 years since that first day and most people don't stay at the same job that long these days.)

Now if only they would get to work on renovating my parents' house. My parents are on vacation for the next week so no work will be done during that time. Then he's supposed to see about getting all the carpeting ripped up and hardwood floors put down throughout the house, then finishing the basement. I'm starting to think his October 1st estimate is optimistic. But I guess even if he's a few weeks late, we'll make it work. No matter what, I'm putting in my notice during September. Enough is enough.


Crista said...

Ugh, we don't even own a scale. Really, we don't. And I never plan to again! :)

Been checking in and keeping tabs on you via bloglines, riding the rollercoaster with you. So looking forward to the day you can give your notice and keeping everything crossed for you!

Oh, and I adored the birthday photos! Such a cutie!!! When are we getting our girls together? Seriously, we don't live that far apart, and we really need to do that. Why haven't we considered it before?!

Crista said...

Oh! And congrats on the weight loss! That totally rocks, and I hope I can get similary inspired sometime soon...