Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Time Flies

I have been so busy, I actually *forgot* I had a blog! Hard to believe, I know, but it's true!

We started sleep training a little over a week ago. It's based on this book, Good Night, Sleep Tight ... (the title is incredibly long!). I was skeptical at first, but Margaret's sleep has vastly improved. Part of our problem was that we were keeping her up too late at night. Once we shifted her to an earlier bedtime, amazingly she started sleeping through the night again. Well, there were 2 nights that she woke up in the middle of the night - but she went back to sleep quickly. The book also addresses early wakings, and how to get your child to sleep later. Again, I was a skeptic. Margaret started waking between 5 and 6AM when we started this system. But somehow, it's like she's getting the message, because last night she slept from 7:05PM until 6:15AM! She's also learned how to put herself to sleep, instead of requiring us to put her to sleep. This is huge as we always had to do something to get her to sleep before. Now, I can put her in her crib and she's asleep within 10 minutes. The downside is that I get very little time with her when I get home from work. But her health and well-being are worth it.

Some of you may have noticed that I removed the links to Margaret's photo albums. While nothing has happened, I did read some stories recently on the message boards I frequent of families who had photos of their precious babies stolen and put on baby fetish websites. I immediately took whatever measures I could to keep Margaret safe from these pedophiles. Nothing is ever 100%, I know, but I'll do what I can to make it all that much harder for them to get those photos. It's a shame that we have to be so cautious, that instead of sharing the joy of our children's lives, we have to be worried about what unscrupulous people may do with that information in their hands.

Margaret is enjoying the Christmas tree. I almost didn't even put it up this year as space is scarce in our little apartment. But the spirit of the season won in the end, and I just couldn't imagine Margaret spending her first Christmas without one. Granted, it only has lights, garland, and about 6 ornaments on it... but it's better than nothing. She enjoys trying with all her might to reach the branches so she can pull on them. I think we may have to switch to a table-top tree on top of our entertainment center next year...

Lastly, my message to you all for this holiday season:

1 comment:

Kether said...

I LOVE the Card!!

She's growing up! It is going so fast...

I'm glad you updated. Good luck on the sleeping stuff.