Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Is It Just Me?

Slowly but surely, Margaret is getting better. She's not coughing as much, and her coughs aren't as phlegmy. She's sleeping better, too. Not through the night still (I miss those days!!) but better than she was in the weeks before. She did, of course, share her cold with me. I'm pretty miserable. It's some kind of weird head cold that's making me feel congested and nauseous all the time. And I'm still not getting much sleep, so that doesn't help. But I make do. At least Margaret is smiling again. :)

I'm starting to really HATE where we live. It's bad enough that the tenants above us are pretty noisy. But now we're having inconsideration issues with our *landlord*. I honestly think it's all a ploy to get us to move. He keeps throwing hissy fits about the garage, to which we are entitled full use in the lease we all signed 2 years ago. The landlord was considering buying our old washer and dryer off of us (to give the washer to the people who stole it from us last month {SIGH}). He wanted to try the dryer first, which was fine...but he didn't hook up our exhaust again when he was done, so I had to get Brian to fix that so I could use our dryer again. Then today I went down to do laundry, and found that he was using *our* extension cord hooked up to *our* electric for the hallway renovations. Nevermind that the 3rd floor has *2* outlets closer to where he needs the electric. Nope, it's hooked up to ours above the washer. And let's not forget that he's using our extension cord *without asking*. This really ticks me off. I'm peeved about the electric as it is...no wonder why our bills have been so high! But to go and take something that doesn't belong to you and just use it, and then leave the cord out so it's obvious that you've been using it (it was still uncoiled and extended up the basement stairs), is over the line in my book. Yes, it's a little petty thing. But the little petty things keep adding up. And I'm getting really sick of people just using my stuff because it's in the basement!!!! I want to move so badly. But to move would be to empty our bank account, since we only have enough in there to basically cover 2 months' rent. Having no back-up money when you have a baby can be disastrous.

{SIGH} Can I just crawl up under the covers in bed and forget about everything? I'm so tired of dealing with all this crap...


Unknown said...

How horribly frustrating! I don't think you're being petty at all. You are perfectly within your rights to feel the way you do. I personally would unplug my extension cord and hide it from them. The gall of some people!

Kether said...

You're not petty.

How's Margaret feeling?