Sunday, November 06, 2005

Back To Normal

Sorry to leave everyone hanging like that! It got to be quite a busy week!

Tuesday Margaret started acting more like her old self again. Smiles were abundant and she was in a playful mood. It came just in time, as I wasn't sure how much more I could take of the changeling child we had. The happy mood continued throughout the rest of the week, leading me to believe that our old Margaret is back. Given the timing, it could be that her ears were still bothering her until then. But I'm not a doctor. In any case, she has a cold (stuffy nose, chest congestion, and cough) but she's happy. She goes back this Tuesday for a follow-up with her pediatricians to make sure her ears are all clear again.

Margaret appears to be loving her apples. She gets all excited and tries to feed herself. If I'm not careful, she'll grab onto my arm with both of her hands and try to direct the spoon into her mouth. Usually, her aim is a little off. It doesn't help that in her excitement, she tends to move her head to the side *just* before the spoon gets to her mouth. I find myself holding one hand the whole time so I can maintain some control over the situation. But at least she's enjoying it! We did apples all last week and I plan on introducing sweet potatoes this week. Personally, I'm not a fan. But she has to give them a shot.

Cloth diapering is going well. We only used 1 disposable all weekend. During the week, she's in cloth from when she gets home from daycare until the next morning. It's really pretty easy. The only complication is that I don't have many yet so on the weekends, I have to wash every day. But other than that, I'm impressed. Besides, with all the cute options out there, how could I resist? ;)

I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I know joints loosen up during pregnancy, but mine are still pretty loose. My joints crack and creak often, something that rarely happened before I got pregnant. It doesn't hurt when it happens, but the sound of it freaks me out. Normal? Who knows. As long as it's not causing any pain, I read, I shouldn't worry. It's still weird.

My father asked me today when I would have another child. I asked him when I would be moving in. I was joking, however, he wants to have a talk with me tomorrow about our finances. See where my big mouth lands me!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad your little one is feeling better and life is returning to some sort of normalcy. WHEN I get pg, you'll have to give me tips on cloth diapering since that's the route I want to go. ;-) Sorry, no clue on the joint thing, so can't help you there. Let us know how it goes with your dad!