Thursday, February 08, 2007

So Tired...Again

The last few days, I've started being really tired again. It didn't make sense until I looked at the ticker this morning. One more week until the 3rd trimester. Unbelievable! I don't know how the time has flown by! So it looks like I never fully harnessed the possibilities of the 2nd trimester energy surge (which started LATE for me) in decluttering because now I'm just too tired to tackle it. Too much other stuff that has to be done, like meal planning, cooking, washing dishes, doing laundry, picking up the house in general, business-related work... and all that running around for Maggie's appointments. Which she has another one this afternoon with the chiro. At least she's improving.

Still, I can't believe that in about 14 weeks, there will be another little one in our home. It sounds so far away, and yet so close at the same time. And while I've been so busy I don't think about it much, it's getting harder to ignore with the frequent (and hard!) kicks and punches coming from my abdomen. Sleeping is getting more uncomfortable, and therefore less attainable as restful sleep. And I still have no idea where we'll put the baby's clothes. Sprout will be sleeping with us so at least we don't have to try to cram the crib somewhere into our 700 sq ft apartment. But there really is no room for the clothes until I do some more decluttering, and I have been less than motivated to do any of that lately.

I still have time, right? :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't believe you're nearing your third tri already!! It's gone so fast... probably even faster on your end of things.