Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Feeling a little down...

Lack of sleep is getting to me. It's not just that I'm getting more uncomfortable now. Maggie has stopped taking naps (even though she BADLY needs them!) and is waking up earlier and earlier each day. Then she's cranky most of the day, which in turn makes me cranky. It hasn't been good. I've even resorted to plopping her in front of the TV with her favorite DVD to get a few minutes to myself. I'm so ashamed. Look how far I've fallen....

1 comment:

Crista said...


I know the feeling (well, not the feeling of being pg and having a toddler, *gasp* but ykwim ;) and let me just say you are so not alone with the TV/DVD thing.

Am I proud that one of B's first "words" was TV, soon followed by DVD? No. BUT, she's happy, healthy, smart as a whip, and developing perfectly. Everything in moderation. And if a little TV 'sitting helps keep a sane mommy, isn't that all the better for everyone?

Oh, and want some assvice? Have you read Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child? It might help with the nap/sleep situation. It totally has with us, even though I don't necessarily agree with everything in the book...