Thursday, January 04, 2007

Start Your Engines!

Let the cleaning begin!!!!

Getting our tiny space organized again has been high on my list of wants. But with a total lack of energy, 2 jobs, and a feisty toddler on my hands, it just hasn't been done in a long time. I mean LONG time. So once I decided that I would become a SAHM, one of the things I began to look forward to was getting this place in order again. The only problem is, my cleaning moods are just that - moods. If I'm not in the mood to do it, it doesn't get done. And because I'm a bit of a perfectionist, if I know I don't have the time to get it all done and just the way I want it, I won't even start. Bad, I know.

Tonight, in spite of feeling rather lazy, I started tackling the kitchen. It could be the fact that I had to go upstairs to tell them that their shower was leaking into our apartment and she mentioned calling the landlord. Maybe I'm afraid he'll want to come in our apartment, see what a mess it is and ask us to leave. We're on a month to month basis and this worry is always at the back of my mind. Or maybe it's just that I'm finally ready to get some of it done. Or maybe it's that ole' "give it a try and you may like it" thing. You know, like how they tell bored wives who don't feel like doing the nasty with their dear hubbies anymore that if you give in every once in a while, you may start to like it and join in.

In any case, I started tackling the mound of crap on the kitchen table and before I knew it, the computer desk was organized as well. Granted, it's not perfect. I don't have enough room to put everything away and one of my big projects once I'm home is to do a major purging of the "stuff" which we have accumulated but really don't need. Regardless, I do feel much better about it... and a bit energized to keep going at it. But only a bit. ;)

1 comment:

Crista said...

Congrats! I'm totally the same way with the moods, and often it's the getting started that's the hard part. Here's hoping for that party for you tomorrow! You must let us know when you get home. :)