Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Catching Up

It appears I've fallen behind, once again, in my blogging duties.

My illness that I last left you in suspense about culminated in several hours of vomiting and diarrhea overnight. What fun! Seriously, it was the pits. I was sure I'd end up at the hospital for dehydration.

In spite of my night-time "fun", I had my tour of the freestanding birthing center later that day - something I had planned for that day specifically since Brian would be home from work. So I did my best to make myself presentable, upped the fluids (though avoided the food still due to lingering nausea) and we drove on down to the birthing center. I LOVED it! Brian - well, he didn't have an opinion on the matter. So I took the reigns and decided for him. We will now be having Sprout at a birthing center that is about as far away as the hospital where we had Maggie - and I'm planning on a waterbirth!!!! Something I wanted so badly with Maggie! So far, I've met 2 of the 3 midwives and I love them. I know this is the right decision!

Friday, January 5th, will be a momentous day for me! It's my Trifecta: 20 weeks, my mid-way ultrasound (though we are not finding out the gender, so too bad, so sad! ;) ), and my last day of work. At first, I was a little mixed on that. Especially as I got closer to the event. I've always had a steady paycheck - I'm terrified of not, even though I still need to bring in some income! But days like today confirm my decision to leave. 8 years there, soon to be over. Wow.


Unknown said...

How can you stand the suspense of not finding out the sex? I know the IF I ever get pregnant, dh and I would want to find out as soon as possible. We're both terrible about waiting for things like that. We didn't even bother to wait until Christmas to open our Christmas presents. :oP

That's pretty rotten of your employers to treat you that way. But you're right, at least it re-confirms for you that you made the right decision.

Crista said...

Dude, I'm constantly behind on the blog thing lately. But, the therapy is still there for me when I need it, and I'm still so glad to have this forum to keep up with my sistas! :) Glad to read an update from you...and yay! re: the birthing center. Sounds awesome. I would have loved a water birth too. Can't wait to hear all about yours. Good luck on Friday!!