Friday, January 12, 2007

A Growing Belly & Shrinking Hair!

Did I forget to say that I had my hair hacked off on Sunday?

I don't usually have long hair, but I had let it grow out for the last 2 years. Yup, I went 2 years without a single haircut. Sunday I had enough and had it cut off. 10 inches were donated to Locks of Love, and I probably lost another 2 inches or so after that with shaping. My head feels so much lighter!

And for comparison on the belly, the above is 20 weeks 6 days, below is 14 weeks 5 days:

We won't even delve into how horribly my skin is responding to pregnancy right now. It's pitiful.


Unknown said...

I LOVE the short hair! Better than the long, imo. Congrats on the good u/s!

Oh... and if you figure out how to cut all the nastiness out and still eat healthy on a budget... will you share a few tips. I still haven't figured it out.

Jess said...

The shorter hair looks great!