Saturday, April 22, 2006

I've Been Tagged!

Is this an attempt to get me to post more? Ha ha! I've been tagged by Momma Bee for 6 Things Weird About Me!


1. Go write weird facts/things/etc. about yourself in my comment box and on your blog, then tag six more people!
2. Then leave a comment that says ‘You are tagged’ in their comments telling them to read your blog.

Weird Things About Me.

1. I, like Momma Bee, also have some serious social anxiety. I wasn't always like this. I was actually an outspoken and outgoing young lady, but after hooking up with DH, I've become more and more of a turtle in social situations. I avoid them whenever possible, and don't have any desire to go out and "make friends" even though all of my IRL friends have moved on (different stages in life).

2. I have to have one of the most perverted senses of humor. It's probably because my father started telling me dirty jokes when I was in 5th grade, but I can turn just about anything said into something "dirty." And often find myself giggling at the most inopportune times because of this.

3. I have this weird counting thing I do. I must have OCD... I count Maggie's cups when I'm filling them, count out in my head (as in 1, 2, 3...) the scoops, count the number of times I pump the soap dispenser when washing my hands at work, even the number of tissues I grab. No particular reason why, I just do.

4. I am still afraid of the dark. Maggie has *mostly* cured me of that because of the night wakings early on, but I still get creeped out when I get up in the middle of the night and walk through the dark apartment, or go out to my car in an unlit area.

5. Kind of connected with 4, I believe in ghosts - but don't ever want to come across one. I've actually said silent prayers while driving at night on backroads to *not* see any ghosts as I don't want to open that door.

6. I almost never burp. Most people do, but I probably do only a few times a year. It's always weird (and gross!) to me when I do.

Is there anyone left for me to tag?

I'm tagging Kat and Kether!

BTW, where did the last 10 days go? I didn't realize it had been so long since my last post!!!


Crista said...

Yay, the tagging drew you out of the shadows. :)

I used to be a social butterfly back in my college days, but that seems like ancient history now. Very strange.

I'm with you on the perverted humor thing too!

Kether said...

omigosh, We have a lot in common.
D and I often add, "that's what she said" to what people say because it sounds dirty.
I have the OCD counting thing, too. In addition to the things you said that you count, I have to count to 300 before I get up in the morning, and I have to keep starting over because I lose my place and I count when I'm on the toilet. I have no idea why.

Renee said...

Me too on the dark!

Unknown said...

Okay... I played along. Let's sum it up with: covers, snakes, alone, toilets, food, and noise.

Mommy Monkey said...

Carrie, I have the same sence of humor. I count when I am in panic mood, but not with general anxiety. I must have the TV or radio channel on an even number, even my kids know this! And yeah, the social anxiety, well, you already know about that too.

Looks like you are not alone or a rarity :D
