Tuesday, June 20, 2006

OMG!!! It's been so long!

How could nearly 2 months have passed since my last entry? The time has really flown by!

I've been a bit obsessed with a healthier lifestyle (and therefore, weight loss) over the last couple of months, so I've been spending the bulk of my time: reading articles on how to break bad habits and build good ones; tracking calories; exercising; etc. It's been all-consuming - but it's been working, too! Since April 21st, I've lost 21.6 lbs!!! I have a long way to go still, but I was able to reach my pre-pregnancy weight by Maggie's birthday!!

And yes, Maggie is now a one year old!! We celebrated with our immediate families on June 17th. Poor girl didn't even know what to do with her cupcake! Daddy had to help her out!

She's also officially a toddler, having learned to walk a few weeks ago!!! She's been keeping me very busy now that she's so mobile, constantly climbing on the furniture and trying to make long distance calls on the cordless phone or change the outgoing message on our answering machine. And if she can't have her way, she throws MASSIVE tantrums. My mom said I was the same way. She's thrilled.

I can't believe how much Maggie has changed over the last year. At this time last year, we were learning the ropes as inexperienced new parents with our new little "blob". Now, she's walking, crawling, climbing, laughing, "talking", using her imagination all the time, drawing (she even knows to stay on the paper...for the most part!), and she clearly has her own little personality. She tries to manipulate and is very opinionated. She very much is a little person, and it's totally amazing to me! The time truly does fly by and before we know it, she'll be all grown up. But I'm not wishing for that anytime soon. I'm just trying to savor the here and now.


Unknown said...

WAy to go on the weight loss!!! How awesome!!!

Maggie is adorable... as always. Happy Birthday, little girl!!!

Christine said...

Happy Birthday to Maggie, and congrats to you on the weight loss!!

Yes, toddler-hood is crazy, but so, so fun!!

Love you and miss you!!

Rosanne said...

Congrats to you on the loss! That's terrific! I can't believe Maggie's a year old already. The pictures are great. Such a little princess.

Unknown said...

Congrats on the weight loss and healthier lifestyle! I know how hard it is to get on the right track with that stuff. I can't get over how grown up Maggie looks! She is such a cute little girl. Happy birthday to her!

Kether said...


I've missed you! Glad you're back.