Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Check This Out!

2 posts in one day! LOL!

The big guys at work have blocked most everything these days. I can understand... I'm sure the infinite web access affected my productivity. It's just too much temptation to resist! Fortunately, my private group has escaped the gun, but just about everything else brings up a lovely "FORBIDDEN" screen that scares the heck out of you the first couple of times you see it! Including my email. :( Darn them expecting me to WORK at work!

I have a lot going on right now. I really did take on too much at one time though, hence why some things are sliding already. I believe it was about 2 weeks ago that I did the big *life* revamp. Got all excited about consolidating my credit card bills, started exercising, and tried to eat better.... Well, the consolidation was nothing to be excited about. Even though the loan manager didn't tell me in advance, they only consolidated 3 of my 5 credit cards, for a total of only half of the 2 remaining cards. :-/ I was less-than-thrilled when I discovered this on the big paper-signing day. And the manager wasn't available when I was there signing the papers, so I didn't even find out why she was so sure in the beginning that we could do all of it, and then it ended up falling short to only 1/3 of what I originally asked for. Paying things off has lost the luster it had 2 weeks ago.

Then the exercising...that went great at first. I got one last day of skiing in, walked for 3 days in a row, and then went on a bike ride.... But then Brian accidentally drove the bike rack off of my Blazer, putting us out of commission for a few days. The weather turned for the worse. And Maggie got sick.

Maggie getting sick also killed the eating better thing... I'm a stress eater and when I'm stressed, I eat whatever I feel like for comfort at the time, whether or not it's healthy. I didn't go crazy overboard, but I could have definitely eaten a lot better. I guess during all the screaming, and pooing, and washing poo off of everything, I decided that I might as well have some small pleasure...and that was found in food.

But you know what? I could be a lot more down about it, but I'm not. The sun has been shining, it was warm today, and at least I have food on my table (albeit not low-fat food, but good-tasting nonetheless). Maggie seems to really know who I am these days and when she's in a good mood, there's nothing better than her laughter and hugs. Or watching her studiously inspect new objects like she's memorizing every facet of them. Her discovery of the world is like discovering it all over again myself. When things go well with her, they go very well for me because of her. And I'm grateful for that.

Thanks to my sistas for sticking around and checking up on me! I will do my best not to be so much of a stranger!


Crista said...

Aww, you've just inspired me and now I want to go write a happy sunshiney post about how awesome Bella is, instead of the mopey one I just wrote!!

Sorry things have been a bit bumpy, but I totally know what you mean, about the paying off of debt (I'm doubting we'll ever really pay ours all off...something about the American Dream, right?) :) AND the stress eating. That's me all the way. Just finished eating a bunch of cookies. Oh well!

Glad to see you posting again!!

Mommy Monkey said...

Carrie, sorry about all the blocking at work. I'd be afraid of the FORBIDDEN too!

I'm proud of you for consolidating, it can be really challenging for some people, but for you, I say you will do fine. You always seem so mature and able to handle a lot on your plate.

And don't go to hard on yourself with the exercising and stress eating. You are still down lbs and now we have some support coming our way via challenges :)

You are such an inspiration Carrie. Keep on being the sweetheart you are. Hugs to you and Maggie.


Renee said...

Your 'expecting me to work at work!' comment cracked me up. I feel like that all the time.
Too bad about the debt consolidation; I'm working on that myself.

Unknown said...

Welcome back! You were missed!!

Bummer about the block at work. I'm in a classroom all day and have NO computer access at all... so I can sort of relate. Sorry to hear the consolidation didn't go as you planned. We're looking into that now as we're getting ready for baby in a few more months. You've just reminded me how important it is to pay attention to all the little details.

Again, glad you're back!

Crista said...

Carrie, oh Carrie...where are you?! You teased us with two posts in one day...hope you'll be back soon.

To help get you out, I TAGGED you at the other blog. Come see!!