Wednesday, April 12, 2006

MIA no more

Sorry to have disappeared without a trace! We are still here, though... Just been too busy to get on here!

Margaret now has 4 teeth: 2 top, 2 bottom, all in the front. It looks like her top left eye tooth will be coming in during the next couple of weeks - fun! She just got over a nasty bout of runny tummy that, for a short while, I started to wonder if it was rotovirus. Even if it was not, it is not something I ever want to go through again. She was miserable, my laundry quadrupled, and I missed a lot of work during a crucial time of year. I'm wondering how much longer that will go on before they try to reprimand me for missed time. I haven't made it through a single month since returning to work without taking at least 1 sick day because of Margaret.

I'm feeling much better about life. Must be the arrival of spring. Warm weather and sunshine do much for the soul, and I can see the difference in my outlook. It also helps that ski season is now over so I have a lot more help from Brian. Margaret is enjoying the time with him and I'm enjoying regaining my sanity.

I wish I had time for more of an update, but it's time to get Maggie ready for school. I wish all my friends in blogger-land well, and I miss you! There really needs to be about 3 more hours in every day!!


Renee said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better. Amazing what sunshine and daylight hours can do for you,huh?!

Christine said...

Yay! You're back! I missed your blog! Have you tried posting by email? You should still be able to do that from work. You can't leave us hanging like that!

Welcome back, and I'm glad that you are all starting to feel better!

Crista said...

Heh, I was thinking "Yay! You're back!" and that's exactly how Christine started her comment.

I've missed you, too, and glad to have an update from you. I like Christine's idea of posting my e-mail...I was thinking something much less clever, like creating a post in Word and posting it when you get home, but her idea is much better! I'd forgotten you could do that through blogger. Hope it works for you, would love to read more.

I'm so glad that things are feeling better. The arrival of Spring has unquestionably helped my outlook as well. I love this time of year, at least when the sun is out anyway!