Is this an attempt to get me to post more? Ha ha! I've been tagged by Momma Bee for 6 Things Weird About Me!
1. Go write weird facts/things/etc. about yourself in my comment box and on your blog, then tag six more people!
2. Then leave a comment that says ‘You are tagged’ in their comments telling them to read your blog.
Weird Things About Me.
1. I, like Momma Bee, also have some serious social anxiety. I wasn't always like this. I was actually an outspoken and outgoing young lady, but after hooking up with DH, I've become more and more of a turtle in social situations. I avoid them whenever possible, and don't have any desire to go out and "make friends" even though all of my IRL friends have moved on (different stages in life).
2. I have to have one of the most perverted senses of humor. It's probably because my father started telling me dirty jokes when I was in 5th grade, but I can turn just about anything said into something "dirty." And often find myself giggling at the most inopportune times because of this.
3. I have this weird counting thing I do. I must have OCD... I count Maggie's cups when I'm filling them, count out in my head (as in 1, 2, 3...) the scoops, count the number of times I pump the soap dispenser when washing my hands at work, even the number of tissues I grab. No particular reason why, I just do.
4. I am still afraid of the dark. Maggie has *mostly* cured me of that because of the night wakings early on, but I still get creeped out when I get up in the middle of the night and walk through the dark apartment, or go out to my car in an unlit area.
5. Kind of connected with 4, I believe in ghosts - but don't ever want to come across one. I've actually said silent prayers while driving at night on backroads to *not* see any ghosts as I don't want to open that door.
6. I almost never burp. Most people do, but I probably do only a few times a year. It's always weird (and gross!) to me when I do.
Is there anyone left for me to tag?
I'm tagging Kat and Kether!
BTW, where did the last 10 days go? I didn't realize it had been so long since my last post!!!
Homemade Oatmeal Cream Pies
6 years ago