Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Another Day...

The countdown is officially on. 23 more work days until I leave the working world and become a SAHM (stay-at-home-mom). Well, kind of a WAHM (work-at-home-mom) since I am a consultant for Tastefully Simple. But mostly, I'll be staying home. January 5th is my last day of work...

...Not sure if I'm ready for it though. I've always had a job going back to when I was 10 years old when I became an independent contractor for the local newspaper (in layman's terms, I was a paper girl). So I've always had a steady paycheck, too. Sure, I'll have TS, but it won't be the same. On the other hand, I hate my job. Don't mind leaving it. Wish I was gone already. But then I have days like today (applesauce splattered all over the kitchen, nap refusals, 2 head butts to my nose, and just general aggravation) and I wonder if I'm even cut out to stay home. Can I do this? Will I have the patience and the stamina? Or will I go out of my mind? Stay tuned to find out...

Sprout is apparently thriving. I honestly haven't had any time to focus on this pregnancy, I'm afraid. It's like it's not even happening to me. I'm sure it will be different when I can feel movement (though I swear I felt a kick late last week at only 13 weeks of pregnancy). But right now, I'm just too busy to dwell on it. Margaret (and her constant mischief) consume all of my "free" time. That and the fact that she now refuses to go to bed at a reasonable hour.

I'm a little worn out, I'm afraid. Tired. Physically and mentally exhausted. Can I please just have 5 minutes to myself? Or will I have to wait until I'm old and my kids don't want to be around me anymore?


Anonymous said...

Aw, I'm sure things will be better once you're done with that job. I often wonder whether I would cut it as a SAHM (or 100% WAHM) too, but I think what it comes down to is finding balance no matter what all you're doing. I think it would be a hard transition in some ways, but I also think the harder mommy moments might not be so bad without balancing the job stuff too...I dunno. It's not easy no matter what, but balance is key -- make sure you're still able to steal a few moments for you once in a while, and I bet playgroups and such (which I have no time for with the job, don't know about you) will help. FWIW, I'm excited for you! :)

Crista said...

Hey, that was me. No idea why it says anon...