Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Black Cloud

I should be ecstatic. Margaret crawls well, is pulling to stand on everything with high efficiency, and has even started the beginning stages of cruising. She's growing up...

But instead, I'm getting burned out. Maybe it's all the illnesses (she was sent home yesterday with Pink Eye, and now I have a sore throat, headache, earache, and post-nasal drip - AGAIN) but I'm just not handling things all that well right now. I dread staying home with Maggie all day because of how demanding she is. I never can pee when the need arrises, And she cries a lot. Some of it comes from falling when she's trying to stand. But a lot of it is plain crankiness. And it's making me cranky and depressed.

I want to run away.... And be all by myself.

I'm hoping that we will be offered a lot of help while in Antigua next week. I need a break. And if I don't get it, I'm afraid of what it will do to my mental health. Is it possible to suffer PPD 8 months after the baby is born? Or is it just general, temporary depression? I don't know... Doesn't matter. I couldn't afford to see a psychiatrist even if I needed to. And with Maggie's Pulmicort totalling over $300/month, I definitely can't afford any more meds.

I need a break....Please!


Crista said...


I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time right now. I wish there was something I could do to help, and really really hope you get a break while you're away. I'll be thinking of you...

Unknown said...

Hope you get the break you need. Believe me, if I were closer, I'd babysit Maggie anytime. ;-) Wish there was something more I could do. ((HUGS))

Renee said...

Sorry you're going through a hard time. That's a hard age . . especially when they're sick. Just try to remember that it is just a phase and it will get better. And come springtime, she won't be getting sick as much, hopefully. It WILL get better, trust me.
Have a great time in Antiqua!

Christine said...

Thinking of you.

Kether said...

Also thinking of you.

I wish I could help take some pressure off of you. Sick babies are no fun!