Too much of it. My apartment is way too cluttered and we decided not to use the tax refund to move this year. Guess that means it's time to part with some of it. Somehow. I have tried freecycling, donating to Goodwill, selling on eBay and message forums, but it seems that for every item I remove, 3 more pop up in its place. I think I just need somebody to come take all my stuff out of the house. Then I can be really selective about what goes back in and leave all the rest for whomever wants it.
At least the kiddos are happy. Through some strange turn of fate, Mags actually laid down on the living room floor and put herself down for a nap an hour ago. I was watching "Breakfast at Tiffanys" and didn't realize it until the movie was over. Ethan had been drifting in and out of sleep on my lap so I tried putting him down in his crib... he popped awake immediately. After 3 more attempts, though, I finally got him down, too. Bliss!!!! It's quiet and peaceful. Too bad it's late in the day. 2 kids napping at 5:30PM=disaster later on tonight. But I'll take it for now. I could use a break.