Yeah, I haven't been so good on the blogging front. Well, first there was the big mess of my life from late April til... well, it's kind of ongoing, but mostly ended in June. At least it was a catalyst for positive changes, too. Then I switched mostly over to MySpace for a while and blogged there. I liked that I could keep it more private. But, well, I strayed from there, too. Then Facebook grabbed my attention because some of my friends were on there and hey, I could play games, and again, more private... So, that's where I've been.
The quick summary: Mags turned 3 in June, Ethan turned 1 in May. 13 years together with Brian as of August. Went back to college in August to finish pursuing my B.A. English (2 classes at a time). Taking 2 English courses currently. Celebrated my 31st birthday in October. Getting geared up for ski season!
Yup, that's the quick summary. I haven't forgotten, just sidetracked. I'm not sure if I'll keep this updated anymore... seems out of date considering the alternatives. But I didn't want anyone to worry about my disappearance either. :D I'm alive, I'm doing well, no worries. Life is good!
Homemade Oatmeal Cream Pies
6 years ago