Tuesday, October 24, 2006

We Have A Heartbeat!!!

Yes, I know, I saw it last week at my ultrasound. But it's just not the same...

Today I heard Sprout's heartbeat for the first time on my doppler. This is HUGE since I am 9w4d today, the same day when we discovered we lost Arabella (in spite of a heartbeat at the ultrasound only 2 weeks prior). I can now breathe a huge sigh of relief... Looks like a strong heart, too. It measured at 162 bpm, stronger than Arabella's AND Margaret's were!

...does this mean it's another girl though? ;)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

All's Well Thus Far

My first prenatal appointment was this morning. Meet Sprout!

Aside from initially going to the wrong office, it went well. My doctor remembered me from the last time around (she even insisted she would not faint this time, as she practically had at my first prenatal appointment for my pregnancy with Margaret...she was pregnant at the time, too). She decided to do the ultrasound because of the spotting I had Monday and Tuesday. This office only had an ancient ultrasound machine and no on-staff tech, like there is at the other office, so it was just a quick peek. Blobby looking and not very defined, but there's my baby! We saw the heart flickering on the monitor (did not measure BPM though) so all is well.

My next appointment is November 17th.

The only part that kind of irritated me is that I was told to try to not gain more than 15 pounds. I'm overweight, I know. But I also believe that your body gains what it needs for a healthy pregnancy. Last time, I gained 35 pounds. And you know what? I lost all of it, and then some. Didn't have gestational diabetes, either. I'm not saying I'm going to go hog wild. But as long as I keep it to moderation, I'm not going to focus on a number like that. I just don't think it's mentally healthy to put a huge emphasis on a number one cannot go over...it just causes unnecessary stress. I will not allow that to happen... I don't need the stress.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Playing Catch Up!

Looks like I've fallen behind, once again, on blogging.

Still pregnant. For now. Spotting started Monday night, light pink (so not old blood). I've been spotting on and off today with some lower back pains and minor cramping. I'm still extremely nauseous and tired, so hopefully, it's nothing. My first prenatal appointment is tomorrow and I'm really hoping she'll do an early ultrasound to make sure Sprout is thriving. In the meantime, I'm vegging on the couch tonight in hopes that it will help.

We did not buy the house. I decided that it would be too much financial stress for us. It would have been very difficult to get the house into liveable condition before the first mortgage payment would have been due. And that would have been required because we cannot afford a mortgage and our rent. We're re-evaluating our options and may reconsider moving "up north" in the spring. No moving right now... it's getting too cold for that kind of venture. But we will need to before Sprout is born to be sure there is plenty of room (and so Maggie can get her own bed before Sprout comes).

Maggie is thriving! As of September 29th, she is 34 inches tall and 28.6 lbs! She's talking all the time, and we're starting to understand more and more of it. She's trying to jump, which is funny because she goes through the motions but never leaves the ground. The only name I've heard her use is her boyfriend's...I can't even get her to say her own! But it's cute nonetheless. She's also become quite the fashionista. She had her first ever "I have to have this NOW" meltdown the other day over a pair of purple Mary Jane Crocs. I caved. I know, bad mommy. But she wanted them so badly that she was taking off her own shoes and ready to throw them on the floor... I couldn't resist. She's going to be quite challenging.

I believe there are now around 75 days left until what I have chosen to be my last day of work. They don't know yet. They do know I'm pregnant, but it hasn't even occurred to my boss that I will not continue working there, let alone that I could possibly quit before my due date. Baby or not, I'm leaving at the beginning of January. I've already mentally checked out. :)

That's about it. Real exciting, I know. Does anyone even care? The last few times I posted, I didn't even get comments so I guess I didn't think that anyone gave a poop about us anyway... Who knows? Maybe everyone was just busy.